Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Lord help

I just had an interesting interaction... My mom called and accused me and Dad of taking her stuff. Not sure what she is talking about.I need the your help to continue to have compassion and forgive.
Also to not be offended that she didn’t call about my bday or coming back from Israel..but about stealing her stuff. I feel entitled to be hurt/offended, but I have done way worse to you and you have forgiven me. Please pray that He gives me your heart for her and not to give in to my emotions which aren’t aligning with truth right now. Thank you. Smile Also please heal my mom, and give her peace about her stuff...and that she would have your grace to realize her sin and repent. I am having dinner with my family for my bday at Benihana tomorrow and I leave for Texas Saturday through Tuesday. I need your help. 

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