Tuesday, January 17, 2023



January 17

Arthur T, Pierson says in God and Missions Today: “The Whole church of God should be a great body of evangelists. Instead of first absorbing pastor after pastor and then like insatiate sponges demanding ministrations of evangelists besides, church members should say to their minister. ‘Let us alone and go after the lost.’”

Ready to suffer grief and pain
Ready to stand the test
Ready to stay at home and send others
If He sees best

Ready to go
Ready to stay
Ready my place to fill
Reedy for service lowly or great
Ready to do His will

Ready to go
Ready to bear
Ready to watch and pray
Ready to stand aside and wait
‘Til He shall clear the way

Ready to speak
Ready to think
Ready with heart and brain
Ready to stand where He sees fit
Ready to bear the strain

Ready to speak.
Ready to warn
Ready o'er souls to yearn
Ready in life
Ready in death
Ready for His return

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations. . . .
Matthew 28:19

My answer is yes, Lord Jesus, I mean it.

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