Monday, December 16, 2013


God's Letter to You
I believe if The Lord was going to write you a personal letter about battles this life brings it may read like this....
My Daughter,

I have chosen you to bear much fruit with your life, but apart from Me you will be powerless and unproductive. No matter how much you love others and want to see them grow, that will not happen apart from Me. My Son is your lifeline and your vine. You are My beautiful branch, and if you will stay connected to Me, My Spirit will flow through you in ways that will bring amazing growth to you and to My Kingdom. Fruit that is seeded by My Holy Spirit will bring a great harvest. When I am the vinedresser, the fruit is sweet and a reflection of all I am in you. There is nothing more delightful than a fruitful life, so stay connected to My vine. Then watch the beautiful fruit that grows from your faithfulness to Me, as well as the fruit that bursts forth in the hearts of those you watered with My Word.

Your God and Vinedresser

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