Thursday, December 19, 2013


I realized the root of my frustrations is that fact that I haven't been believing that heaven is worth it, that I haven't been trusting God.  That God is a good Dad.  That He wants me to not worry about this life, but do exactly what He asks me to do here, now, so that I can spend eternity in glory.  That things on the other side are better, wonderful,....WORTH IT.  He has my best interest in mind, I don't have to try and control my schedule, He knows the best one.  He knows what job I should have, how I should spend Tuesday nights, what prayer slots to attend, what women I should hang out with.  He knows it all, I can stop trying to figure it all out.  I can....


Hahaha, wow, what a wonderful thought. I want to encourage you all, if you have been challenged by schedule changes, or sacrifices, or feeling like there is no way to balance all that we have on our plates, just ask the Lord.  He will help you out, He will make things clear.  Surrender.  Quit thinking you have a better plan, something more manageable or fair.  Surrender.  Repent for trying to make a plan for your life,  He gave you life, His plan is better, TRUST Him, He is faithful, He won't let you down

I repent that I haven't believed that He is a good Dad and that I CAN trust Him.  I don't want changes in "my routine" to frustrate me any longer.  I want to live this life according to His plan, and BELIEVE that what is to come IS worth it. I want to trust my Father, no matter how difficult, but I can only do this with you guys.  I will need your help to keep on trusting. (From Shy)

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