Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Our Heart's Desire

Have you ever been singing a worship song, and wondered if you could actually mean what the lyrics were saying?
When I sing songs about God being more than enough for me, andall that I want, I struggle with the integrity of those statements. I know at moments it is true; there are moments when I taste that God is, in fact, enough for me. But there are also so many moments when He is not all that I want. There are a lot of things that crowd out my contentment in Christ.
This is all the more reason to embrace denying ourselves. There has to be a connection between our dissatisfaction in Christ alone, and our over-indulgence in stuff.
The more we have, the more we crave. The more we crave, the more we pursue. And whatever it is we are pursuing, that becomes our treasure—our hearts' desire.
So imagine how this applies spiritually: The more of Christ that we experience, the more of Him we crave. The more we crave that intimacy with Him, the more we pursue Him. And as we pursue Him, He becomes our treasure—our hearts' desire!
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."(Matthew 6:21)
We need to make room in our hearts for God. And I really believe it will happen as we let go of some of our earthly pleasures and treasures. Pray for a heart of contentment today. Ask God to help you love Him more than any other thing. He really is more than enough for us... we just need to see it and believe it.

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