Wednesday, January 8, 2014

We Need each other

We need each other. There is nothing more encouraging than a brother or sister in Christ "spurring you on to love and good deeds." But just as deflating is a brother or sister who talks you out of your convictions. I am tired of this! God has given us the ability to be a life-giver to someone's faith, to breathe a flame into a fire for the things of Christ. If my convictions line up with scripture, I need to hear someone say, "You will never regret this in light of eternity." Or, "It may be difficult, but you have to do what the Spirit is leading you to do!"
Do you find yourself giving courage (encouragement) to other believers? If not, could it be that you are holding back so that you don't have to feel any conviction? Ask the Lord to search your heart on this, because He is waiting to use you in the life of your friend, husband, child... Ask God to give you the opportunity to be a life-giver.
"Encourage one another and build one another up." (1 Thessalonians 5:11)

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