Thursday, July 21, 2022

Talking to God 7-20-22

 Lord I think I'm angry bc I don't get to take my walks today - I'm repent for getting angry - I submit to you. I'm sorry - will you forgive me for fighting you and not accepting this and accusing others. I receive this from your hand. Please help me to learn how to abide in you not just while walking but every min of every day. Please help me to commune with you during my time. Lord will you help me? Will you forgive me? 

"yes daughter, none of this has to be your death if you trust me with it. I will help you"

Thank you Father, this is good for me, I trust you with this difficulty. I give you my desire to walk and my fears of not connecting with you and getting fat for not excercising and blaming others for my difficulty. I'm sorry for wanting to manipulate to get out of this. I submit it to you. Will you please comfort me and help me Lord?

Thank you for all the times I have gotten to take walks

Thank you for your forgiveness - I don't deserve it

Thank you that you are worthy of my obedience and my trust

Thank you for your love

Thank you for my volleyball team

Thank you for the opp to go to bed earlier and start a new habit

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