Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Love Does

Whatever it is you're aiming for, Jesus is better.
God's answer to all our questions about where He wants us to go in life is simple: "With Me."
Aim to be stunningly inefficient with your love.
God intended us to travel through life in community. Think bus, not unicycle.
We won't be like Jesus if it's more important to us to be like each other.
If we allow originality to become more important than authenticity, we'll lose ourselves. Honor God; just be you.
Quit doing what you're able to do; figure out what you were made to do, then do a lot of that.
No book is a chapter, no chapter tells the whole story, no mistake defines who we are. Hope makes our lives page turners.
No one leads people to Jesus; He leads people to Himself. All the pressure's off; just love everybody. No agenda.
God didn't say that loving our neighbors would be easy; He just said it would work.
There's no school to learn how to love your neighbor, just the house next door.
We ought to be fighting to get the worst parking spots at our churches.
Courageously follow where God's leading. You've got a guide you can trust; you don't have to worry about the path you're on.
People don't grow where they're planted, they thrive where they're known.
When Jesus rose from the dead He didn't make a speech to the world, He made breakfast for His friends.
The hidden cost of pride is isolation; humility and joy's payoff is community.
When we care more about what our faith looks like than what it is, it's time to take a walk around the block.
God doesn't look for typos in our lives; He's a creator, not an editor. We're all rough drafts of who we're becoming.
Until we figure out what we’d give our lives for, we won’t know what to give our time to.
God didn't give us anything to join, so we wouldn't try to figure out who qualifies; He just gave us Himself.
If we take credit for things God's doing, we'll be pride's debtor; if we take pride in what God's doing, we'll be grateful.
The past points a boney finger at us and says "You can't change"; grace holds up a mirror and says "You already did."
We can live in shame or in celebration; it'll depend on what we decide to give the most air-time to.
When we love people but don't make it about us, we're exchanging currency we can use for a while for currency we can use forever.
It'll be hard to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus if they're on each other. Who we watch shapes what we'll become.
Women with contagious courage and unbendable resolve. When one gets ahead, we all advance.
Fear and failure make things that are temporary look like they're permanent; grace and hope keep resetting the clock to zero.  God's greatest cathedrals have no addresses.
The disciples weren't on a missions trip; love already had a name.
If love isn't the defining characteristic of our faith, we need to find our way back to where we started.
Every unselfish act of love whispers God's name.
Grace means tomorrow's always a friend. Yesterday isn't an enemy, it just doesn't matter anymore.
Following Jesus costs everything; it just costs each of us something different.
It's never been about our status, title and association; lasting influence has always been about our love.
The more generous we are with our words, the richer we all become.
God doesn't enjoy seeing us fail; He loves watching us grow.
Love does great things without expecting great attention; bright lights don't need spot lights.
A demonstration of restraint will have more lasting power than a show of force.
God never compares what He creates.
The first decision we make each day is who's in charge. Who we pick will determine a lot about where we'll end up.
God delights in answering our impossible prayers.
No tomb could contain what love was about to release.
God doesn't throw rocks at our windows to get our attention, He usually brings people who need help.
We won't look back over our lives; we'll look back over our love. All the rest will end up on the editing room floor.
Darkness fell, His friends scattered, hope seemed lost - But heaven just started counting to three.
If I had one last meal, I wouldn’t spend it with the person I knew would betray me - Love does.
Jesus always pointed His friends towards a better version of themselves - particularly when they had failed.
Love doesn't obey the rules we try to give it.
The words we use with each other not only have shelf life but have the ability to shape life. Be picky about what you say.
Our plans work or they don't; love always works.
Anticipate difficulties; bank on grace.
We spend a lot of time remembering failures God spent a lot of love saying we could forget.
God doesn't trade love for good conduct.
God's more interested in our hearts than our plans.
We don't need to see the whole mountain to know it's there.
God's most memorable times with us are when we're speechless before Him.
What we do in love will last; all the rest will blow by like it never even happened.
Love one another. We don't need more instructions; we need more examples.
If we play our cards right, no one will ever know about some of most loving things we've done.
Love picked us so love could use us.
Extravagant love always leaves an aftertaste of lasting hope.
Knowing who we're dependent on adds depth to celebrating what we're independent of. Courageous people; gracious God.
It's Thursday. Quit what you need to and make room for what you were meant for.
One of the by-products of a secure faith is radical acceptance.
The battle for our love is fought on the pages of our calendars; we'll become in our lives what we plan for our days.
Live a life of conspicuous grace and couragous resolve.
God won't love us more if we stop making mistakes; He'll know us more if we stop faking it.
Cynicism is fear posing as confidence. Don't give it any air time.
Cultivate hope; grow it by the acre.
The One who has called us is much more powerful than any of the impediments we're facing.
Sometimes God leads us into failure so we'll experience more of His grace, not less of His love.
Have your story flop open to the part where grace busted in. Memorize that chapter and the other ones will make more sense.
Jesus won't try to speak over the noise in our lives. The more we shout, the more He whispers.
I used to think that God wouldn't talk to me when I was confused, but now I think He was just listening.
The more inexplicable our lives are, the less ambiguity there will be about who's in charge.
Fear only has two goals: To get us to either ignore grace or forget joy. It's Thursday, quit being afraid.
We want what we think we deserve; God gives us what He knows we need.
A rainy writing day at the Lodge. "Come away to a quiet place and rest"
Love God; leak Jesus
Gratitude is a state of thankful awareness.
Courageous people feel the same fear everyone else does, they just decide not to live like they're afraid anymore.
Who we admire is what we want; what we do is who we are.
Grace isn't a line we stand in, it's a path we follow. Don't pitch a tent in your last failure. Lace up your boots; let's go.
God's hoping we'll be as brave as heaven's betting we'll be. Fear only has the power we give it.
God is so confident about His love for us, He's willing to let the other things that don't matter as much remain ambiguous.
Take all the love you've received and give it away like you weren't trying to save it for later. We're rivers, not reservoirs.
What we get when he past isn't calling the shots anymore is a future.
It's easy to be humble when we're wrong; it's how we act when we're right that'll tell us where we're at with our faith.
An act of extravagant love is the best teacher; most of us already have all the information we'll need.
Someone doesn't always need to lose when we disagree. Just love one another. We're dust, not umpires.

Fix your eyes of Jesus; it's okay to stare.
You can never satisfy a spiritual thirst at a worldly fountain. Leave the old watering hole behind. Drink in the love of God and move on.
Everyone makes mistakes; everyone isn't defined by them. God sees us for who we're becoming, not who we were.
We don't need to run away with the circus every time we're disappointed. Life will confuse us; but God won't leave us.
Love each other with abandon.
Faith is about deciding what to hold on to, what to let go of and whose all of it is.
Home is the place we return to with the ones we love.
When we won't receive forgiveness, we make it look like grace was a mistake.
Give away a breathtaking amount of grace.
Heaven's leaning over the rails, wondering who we'll be today.
Faith is about what we hang on to, what we let go of and the reasons why.
The first thing cynicism will try to get you to question are people's motives. Don't take the bait.
Loving people the way Jesus did means constantly taking cuts to the back of the line.
Jesus doesn't need our help; He lets us participate so we'll know more about Him.
If we're giving people answers like we don't have any questions ourselves, no one's going to
Don't be enticed by success or scared by failure, be captivated with purpose. believe us.
Love, joy and authenticity are what we'll be remembered for. Nothing else will make the highlight reel.
A grain of sand isn't the whole shore; God delights when we realize we're a small part of something much bigger than us.
Humble people dazzle heaven.
No one can take what we'd be willing to lay down without regret. Our lives are borrowed; love is all we really have to give.
Lost people won't get found by getting a bunch of directions from us; they just need a couple friends who will love them.
Don't make up explanations for God when He does something you don't understand yet. He is good; He doesn’t need to look good.
Many of us are one job behind who God's turned us into. You can quit anything on a Thursday. I'm not kidding.
God didn't give you influence so you could lead people; He gave it to you so you could love people.
It's easy to say people are invited; what happens when they come is what defines us. Put a leaf in the table. Everybody's welcome.
Lasting impact involves constant risk. Quit playing it safe - grab your knees and do a cannonball with your love.
Insecurity will tell you any lie you'd fall for to keep you stuck.
The most beautiful scenery in the world is when our friends come into view.
Grace won't try to speak over the noise of our excuses; it waits until we're all done shouting before it whispers to us.
God is our Refuge
Fire your casting director if you believe the lie that you’re still who you used to be.
God's never looked in your mirror and wished He saw someone else.
Don't allow someone's negative reactions toward you to diminish the power of your love. Dig deep. Love anyway.
Be picky about what you make most important in your life. There's a lot of second best available.
We can have faith without proof, but not love without sacrifice.
God made mountains to dazzle us so we'd understand how creative love can be in expressing itself.
Dig deep in family soil. Protect the people, toss the rocks, let love grow.
No one in history had more titles than Jesus, or cared less. It’s Thursday - quit collecting status; accumulate love.
When we ask for certainty, God often gives us clarity instead - so we'll understand how much we still need to depend on Him.
Some of the best chapters of our lives are left untitled. What happens with our love matters more than the heading we give it.
We're more comfortable asking for favors than Grace; God's more interested in giving grace than keeping score.
Love is the cause; community is the consequence.
Gods more interested in whether our lives work than if our ideas do.
The thing about being stuck is we can get unstuck. It just takes a push or a tug from someone who isn't.
Don't be the same this week. Sometimes the best ideas are the simple ones.
Live in constant anticipation; no one was created to be ordinary.
Quit only picking fights you can win; pick a couple only God could win. We were born to be brave.
We won't know what we really want until we figure out what we'd give up to get it. Want the most what lasts the longest.
Let grace and acceptance slip through your fingers like it was meant for everybody.
God loves you unfailingly BEFORE you begin your self-improvement program. Totally accepting that increases your motivation to change.
Jesus didn't hold people accountable, He just held them close - because it works better.
Fear calls out our doubts; God calls out our names. Be picky about who you listen to.
God's love isn't as complicated as our discussions about It are. Keep it simple - Love everybody. No matter what.
If we're satisfied doing what we're used to, it'll be easy to miss what we've been made for.
You need to laugh more and think less. Laughter is an instant vacation.
I'd rather be the least knowledgeable person who's doing something than the most knowledgeable person who isn't.
We can't tell people to come as they are, but insist they change before they get there. Nobody's just invited; everybody's welcome.
Sometimes we ask God for help and He gives us hope instead; not because it's different, but because it's the same.
Very few people are on different paths; they're just in different places. Love doesn't kick them off; it helps them along.
 "He who fears The LORD has a secure fortress
We keep asking for answers, God keeps sending us people.
"It's not about the the stand we take, but the grace we give; It's not about the name we make, but the life we live."
Incredibly thankful to serve with leadership who have contagious joy, are patient with our questions, and above all else, point us to Jesus.
Jesus died for people, not doctrine. If you make the Gospel all about doctrine, you'll spend your life loving doctrine more than people.
When you think you need to choose between being "right" and being humble ... go for humble - you'll get both.
We'll become what we accumulate the most of. Gather love.
Laughter is a free gift that can radically change the momentum in someone's day. Share it often.
God can't change who we're becoming until we let go of who we were. Put who you were down and just walk away slowly.
We're not on a path towards God, He's been on a path towards us. He can't be met half way, He's arrived.
Jesus didn't tell Mary what she wanted; He asked what she was looking for. A few questions are better than all the answers.
Discouragement is a virus; hope is strong medicine.
Jesus didn't correct Mary when she thought He was the gardener; He just spoke her name and she knew it was Him.
The way we love each other is the best evidence that Jesus is still alive.
It's impossible to over-hope.
Every time we believe the lie that we're who we used to be, we roll the stone back into place like nothing happened.
Grace will hide us where fear won't even think to look.
Most of prides prisoners think they're the guards.
Let the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart be acceptable in Your sight O Lord my rock and my Redeemer - Ps.19:14
"Everything we were went with Jesus on the cross; everything that He is was raised from the tomb and given to us." - Chris Tiegreen
Most people are more afraid of losing their keys than losing their passion. Keep both where you can find them.
Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. Col. 1:28
Boldness is not found in ourselves; our identity resides outside of our career. It's simple, "They had been with Jesus." #acts4:13
It's Thursday. Quit believing the lie that God would like us more if we faked it.
Therefore, the spiritual authority of Jesus is an authority not found in a position or a title, but in a towel. - R. Foster
Learn the lesson that, if you are to do the work of a prophet, what you need is not a scepter but a hoe. - Bernard of Clairvaux.
God takes our titles and accomplishments and makes confetti out of them to celebrate His tremendous love for us.
If you want to love more, fear less.
Most of our decisions are driven by either love or fear. Who we toss the keys to will determine a lot about where we end up.
God doesn't try to punish us with failure or entice us with success; He pursues us with love.
Grateful for the One who made all of this to dazzle us - just because He could.
Exhaustion is the enemy of creativity. "Come away to a quiet place and rest." – Jesus
The way we love people we disagree with is the best evidence of what we really believe.
God doesn't trade His love for our good conduct; He trades His grace for our failures.
Loving people extravagantly means being constantly misunderstood. Go ahead and risk it.
Everybody wants to make a difference in the world; only a few people want to be different than the world.
Quit waiting for a plan; go love everybody.
Don't let anyone talk you into settling for a reasonable faith.
Grace doesn't seem fair until you need some.
Stand like a mountain, love like an avalanche, give away forgiveness like you're made of it.
We can live in awe or apprehension; the one we pick will shape how the people around us will see their lives.
We won't figure out what's sacred in life if we settle for what's safe.
We're not what we say we believe, we're the sum of everything we do about it.
Great day of writing here today. God creates beauty to wow us and peaceful places to meet us.
We keep telling God about our opinions; He keeps asking about our hearts.
Don't rake into piles in your life what God wants to blow like leafs in the world. Love's a big wind; it's going to get messy.
Laying down our lives means standing up for someone else's life. With each act of love, we rise to our feet.
 Fear will give us a reason not to try; hope will give us a reason not to listen.
We were picked; God's love isn't random.
When we say we're waiting on God, oftentimes He's actually waiting on us.
When we're more concerned about looking bad than doing good it's time to take a walk around the block.
Fear and doubt always seem to find people who are looking for them; hope and courage do the same thing.
God pursues us relentlessly when we fail - so we'll know how to pursue our friends when they do.
Dear world wide family. Can everyone please play nice with each other this week? Lift each other up. It's who we really are.
The steps we take towards the poor will say a lot about whether Jesus is guiding us, or just a Sherpa carrying our stuff.
We don't need to chose who to love like we're placing a bet; go ahead, roll the dice and just love everybody.

God didn't ask us to just love some people; probably so we wouldn't spend our whole lives deciding who was on the list.
It will be more love, not more information which will change our hearts.
If you’re following God and haven’t lost much of what you’ve been holding on to – follow a little closer.
Fear will do whatever it takes to convince you that you don't have what it takes; grace won't try to talk you into anything.
The way we'll know the difference between what we really believe and what we just know - is what we do.
Our pride keeps asking for parole; grace says we're pardoned. We want to do time; God wants us to give love.
We're a lot more concerned about our past than God is. Live in grace; walk in love.
The price of acceptance is too high if it costs who God made you to be. Go be you.
When we ration our love, everyone goes hungry; the more extravagant we are, the less it's wasted.
Sometimes God will use people who are smart and connected; He'll always use people who are humble and available.
Start from scratch with Jesus each day - then be picky about what you add to your life.
Most of the things I was afraid of never happened; most of what I hoped for did. Let your hopes trump your fears.
Cynicism is fear posing as confidence; joy is hope let off the leash.
While you're trying to figure out the plan for your life, just love everybody - it's a pretty good backup plan.

No map will take us where God wants to lead us; we're following a person, not just a bunch of directions.

This is the part in the movie where the music changes and you go live the big life you decided you were going to live.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Grass is Greener on the INSIDE

The grass truly is greener on the INSIDE.

That moment was a defining moment for me. Some call it an, 'Ah-ha' moment. Instead of looking at myself and seeing all the things that I wasn't or could never be, I began to look deep inside the unique nature of my beautiful, one-of-a-kind soul and ask, 'Ok, Kristina. What were you created to be that no one on earth was created to be, and how can you become so secure in the treasure that is you, that you find out what it means to live in real peace?"

Peace has come, and is still coming. The more I find out who I was created to be, then becoming that girl, the more my green pasture seems to be just fine.
Holding on to precious truths I was desperate to believe, I picked up my guitar and began to play. I knew that I was loved so completely and so fully, that nothing I had ever done or could ever do would take that love away or make it wax and wane. I didn’t quite believe it enough to live it yet, but I wanted to. I was determined to. And I knew that writing a song that declared those truths over my life—that championed my own mouth to sing in faith, to hear the words, to water my tattered soul—just might be the actual medicine I needed to get to that high peak of believing.
Hoping for something never changes anything, but believing produces action. And action changes everything.
I sat with my guitar, letting the contents of my soul bleed out onto paper.

But God loves me
He doesn't see the way I see
God takes me
And turns it into something that is beautiful
Apparently I'm beautiful ‘cause You love me
I tried to clean up the outside all shiny and new
Worked overtime to thin up and look right
But inside I knew
Deep in the bottom were secrets I thought I could try to ignore
Old ghosts in my corridors never get tired of haunting the past that's in me

Help me believe why you love me
Cause I know you see, you see everything
Help me believe why you love me
Cause I know you see inside and you still say I'm beautiful
You're telling me I'm beautiful
You're screaming out, so beautiful
And I'm finding out I'm beautiful
You're making me so beautiful
And I can see I'm beautiful
Cause you love me

I’ve sung this song hundreds upon hundreds of times. And every time I sing, I let the words marinate my soul a little deeper, like pouring warm honey over the broken cracks of my past. I sang this song until I believed this song.

Friday, June 27, 2014

From Protest to Praise

From Protest To Praise

I knew the times would come
And now the times have landed with stinging abrasion
As ready as I seem to be
It's never like I planned it yeah
I'm wrestlin' my thoughts, I'm overcome
Would you give me up, I'm askin', Lord?
There's nowhere I sense Your presence here
So I will cry out until I go
From protest to praise
You're always amazin' me
You're changin' me slow but surely
And You're gonna see me to the end
How long will I be forgotten by You forever?
'Cause You're not makin' sense here
It seems like eternity has made a home between us
I'm wrestlin' my thoughts, I'm overcome
Would you give me up, I'm askin', Lord?
There's nowhere I sense Your presence here
So I will cry out until I go
From protest to praise
You're always amazin' me
You're changing me slow but surely
And You're gonna see me to the end, to the end
I'm wrestlin' my thoughts, I'm overcome
Would you give me up, I'm askin', Lord?
There's nowhere I sense Your presence here
So I will cry out
From protest to praise
You're always amazin' me
You're changing me slow but surely
I just can't help but see it that way, 'cause you're gonna see me
From protest to praise
You're always amazin' me
You're changing me slow but surely
And You're gonna see me to the end
Oh yeah
Hear me now

He is changing me from resistant fear-filled obligatory obedience to (Like Mary in Luke 1) willful voluntary submission in confident trust and joy in my Leader and best friend Jesus Christ

(verse 1)
My soul does magnify
the greatness of the Lord
On me His favor lights
In my Savior I rejoice

(verse 2)
He has done mighty things
Holy is His name
All creatures under heav'n
Fear Him whose mercy reigns

He has proven His might
His arm outstretched with strength
He has scattered the proud
and brought down all vain conceit
He has lifted the lowly
brings goodness to the poor
My Savior's love endures
My Savior's love endures

(verse 3)
Oh Israel find your help
solely in the Lord
His mercy's without end
His promise He'll uphold

Glory be to the Father and Son
Glory be to the Spirit three in One
Glory be in the beginning and the end
Glory forever, Amen

Thursday, February 27, 2014


Jesus, I need you!
You are my Lord, my God, my King. You are worthy of all of my worship. Help me, by your grace, to know you and love you so deeply and dearly that the things of this world fade away and grow strangely dim. I want to worship you and you alone. I don’t want to be forged by the culture. I am in you; I want to be one with you. Bind my heart to yours, and place your truth deep within me. I not only want to know you and your Word, I want to have the desire to forsake sin and follow you and your Word. Enable me to worship you in spirit and in truth. I need your power, your grace, and your love so that no matter what life brings my way, I can respond to each situation, each person, and each trial the way you would respond—all for your glory. I don’t want to respond merely outwardly, but rather from within, from the river of living water. I want to be so close to you, Jesus, that your Spirit flows forth from me in all I do and say. May I find all of my joy in you. May I glorify you in all I say and do. (Psalm 42:1-2a; Galatians 2:20) No matter where I am, what I am doing, what Scripture I am reading, or what song I am singing, I want my mind, my energies, and my heart focused on you and not on me and my circumstances. I want you and you alone. No matter if I succeed or fail, win or lose, am rich or poor, am included or excluded, am known or forgotten, may I be content knowing that you are mine and I am yours. May my chief aim be to love you and be loved by you, to please you and serve you. Help me to see my sin, mourn it, and forsake it, by your grace. Help me hunger and thirst after righteousness.
Lord Jesus, grant me your grace, your mercy, and your lovingkindness to enable me to see you, know you, love you, and be one with you. Thank you that your Word tells me if we ask anything in your name and according to your will that you will do it.
 Amen. (John 14:13-14)

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Light in the world

Matthew 5:14-16

New International Version (NIV)
14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

We Need each other

We need each other. There is nothing more encouraging than a brother or sister in Christ "spurring you on to love and good deeds." But just as deflating is a brother or sister who talks you out of your convictions. I am tired of this! God has given us the ability to be a life-giver to someone's faith, to breathe a flame into a fire for the things of Christ. If my convictions line up with scripture, I need to hear someone say, "You will never regret this in light of eternity." Or, "It may be difficult, but you have to do what the Spirit is leading you to do!"
Do you find yourself giving courage (encouragement) to other believers? If not, could it be that you are holding back so that you don't have to feel any conviction? Ask the Lord to search your heart on this, because He is waiting to use you in the life of your friend, husband, child... Ask God to give you the opportunity to be a life-giver.
"Encourage one another and build one another up." (1 Thessalonians 5:11)

Suit up

Do you ever get so overwhelmed and discouraged being a woman? There are so many obstacles to endure in one day. Before I open the door and enter the war zone, I spend time with my King. In other words, I suit up and put my armor on. No sooner do I put my foot on the enemy's territory than my shield goes up and I am darting arrows as fast as I can. Then I lose my bearings and drop my shield and the enemy takes me down. The enemy is not some creature from another place; it's someone I know really well. It's me, my flesh.
When I received Christ, I received the Holy Spirit. I now have love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Hebrews 10:16 says, "This is the new covenant I will make with my people on that day, says the Lord: I will put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them on their minds." I have no excuse; God gave me a part of him. He gave me the same power He gave Jesus. I ask myself daily, "Why do I waste such a priceless gift?" So many times it's my flesh that is first to cross the finish line.
This is when I go into my quiet chamber (my closet), enter the throne room, and get on my knees and say, "Forgive me Father. Once again I thought I could do it in my strength. Please fill me with your Spirit till my heart and soul are overflowing." I am now confident to fight my enemy and enter the battle. I now pick up my cross and follow Jesus.
"So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it brings you!" (Hebrews 10:35)

Our Heart's Desire

Have you ever been singing a worship song, and wondered if you could actually mean what the lyrics were saying?
When I sing songs about God being more than enough for me, andall that I want, I struggle with the integrity of those statements. I know at moments it is true; there are moments when I taste that God is, in fact, enough for me. But there are also so many moments when He is not all that I want. There are a lot of things that crowd out my contentment in Christ.
This is all the more reason to embrace denying ourselves. There has to be a connection between our dissatisfaction in Christ alone, and our over-indulgence in stuff.
The more we have, the more we crave. The more we crave, the more we pursue. And whatever it is we are pursuing, that becomes our treasure—our hearts' desire.
So imagine how this applies spiritually: The more of Christ that we experience, the more of Him we crave. The more we crave that intimacy with Him, the more we pursue Him. And as we pursue Him, He becomes our treasure—our hearts' desire!
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."(Matthew 6:21)
We need to make room in our hearts for God. And I really believe it will happen as we let go of some of our earthly pleasures and treasures. Pray for a heart of contentment today. Ask God to help you love Him more than any other thing. He really is more than enough for us... we just need to see it and believe it.
We can all agree that it's easy to get caught up in the difficulty of denying ourselves. Some can't even get past it, so they give up before they even begin to learn how to do it. So what if today was different? What if today you focused on the outcome of self denial; the benefits that far outweigh the difficulties.
For example: you commit to denying yourself of the time spent watching TV for the week. Which, amazingly, means you added a whole hour, or three, to your day. You have the ability to go through your Bible with care, and actually have time to really come before the Lord in prayer. It's concentrated prayer for your family and the ones you love. This, inevitably, makes you feel more intimacy with God and gives you peace you didn't even realize you were lacking.
Maybe one evening you engage your kids in a meaningful conversation that you never could have planned, but one that just happened, because all the noise in the background was gone.
Then one night as you're finishing mowing the lawn, you realize you have time to mow your neighbors' lawn. The one who just lost her husband, and you can't get over how amazing it feels to bless someone in the smallest of ways.
As you consider the dramatically different turn your week has taken, you realize this all started with a simple, difficult decision to deny yourself.
It's so worth it! You can't always see or know the blessings that will come to you on the front end of obedience and surrender. So dive in. Trust God to do immeasurably more than anything you could imagine. Let Him work in you and show you things you have never seen before.


There is so much joy to be known in our walk with Christ. Joy is one of the most powerful emotions. It draws people in, it motivates the heart, it is contagious! Joy is something that can transcend circumstances, because it is wrapped around our hope in Christ.
I would hate for us to get so caught up in the pain of self-denial, that we lose our joy in the process. Of course it is difficult to go against our flesh- but we are never without hope. There is always a joy in obedience, because we are honoring God, and displaying that He is worth our sacrifice. Christ laid down his life for "the joy that was set before Him." And we too can lay our lives down willingly, because we are confident of the JOY we will experience. "Though you have not seen Him, you love Him. Though you do not now see Him, you believe in Him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory..." (1 Peter 1:8)
My prayer for today is that an inexpressible joy would well up in our hearts, that this joy would overshadow every struggle against our own desires and motivate us to keep dying to ourselves. And ultimately, this joy in us would draw people to Christ, the hope of glory.