Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Words from the Lord 5-31-22

 Don't put me in a box, Kristina

I want to talk to you

I love you

I want to lead you out of this prison of fear

I want you to love, Kristina

Not to get things done

I didn't create you to be a machine

Spending time with me takes work

Just like any relationship

It is what you put into it

I have loved you from the start

I deserve your worship

I deserve your promise

Your adoration and awe

I didn't create your face to be covered with shame - but my glory

I am doing a marvelous work in you

I am on your side

I know what you need.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Thankful 5-26-22

 Thank you Lord for the peace in my heart - for these boundaries that are good for me

THank you for helping me give up the schedule and ordering the paper one and directing me which one to purchase

thank you for Cyndi being willing to cover me for the photo class

thank you for the yummy shake for bfast and the hotdog for lunch

thank you for teaching me the big picture - things that will last - and other things will fade away

Thank you for telling me that I don't need to be someone else

Thank you for meeting with me this morning and speaking comfort to me and helping me in 1 Peter (craving pure spiritual milk to grow up in salvation) and in Ephesians 4 (maturity- each part does it's work and the Lord is the head)

Lord thank you for reminding me that this is about learning to love my sisters at the Abigail - godly sorrow to change and be humble, thankful and loving (in prayer, thoughts, affections towards them like in 2 Cor of the believers towards Paul)...... not worldly sorrow to get stuck in how bad we are and self pity about the consequences and restitution 

Thank you for helping me to go through my clothes yesterday and for helping me get rid of some of them

Thank you for helping me submit to you with schedule/plans and calendar

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Monday, May 16, 2022

Thankful 5-16

 Thank you for giving me an opp to grow in humility

Thank you for showing me my sin of control, pushing past boundaries and not respecting others. Thank you for showing me how I accuse others of hurting me when they don't do what I want.

Thank you for your forgiveness when I confessed these things

Thank you that I have good leaders who aren't perfect but are following you. Thank you that I can trust you for provision and it isn't riding on them or their decisions. Thank you that you are sovereign and able to correct. Thank you that I only need to own my part - I don't need to figure out the rest - I can trust that to you.

Thank you that you want my inner thought life pure. Thank you for the book God's Transmitters coming today and in perfect timing.

Thank you for the Corrie ten Boom Exerpt of being filled with the Spirit and the God's Transmitters illustration of the carnal Christian

Thank you that you want me to grow up and mature

Thank you that I can repent to Rosie on Thursday and you already forgave me and I dont have to live in condemnation until Thursday

Thank you for helping me grow in patience with the laundry, curtains, groceries and HSA funds

Thank you for the extra $20 being added. 

Thank you for Luke 12-13 and for speaking to me about keeping my lamp burning and not storing up treasure on earth

Thank you for my Mom, Ashley and John all being born tomorrow on May 17th

Thank you in advance for working out everything with the laundry - thank you for answering my prayers with that

Thank you for speaking to me about my PNC account and working that out

May 16

We need to learn not only to be filled with the Holy Spirit but also to stay filled. We do this by becoming sensitive to His work within us. We need to know that the secret of walking in the Spirit is to immediately confess our sins and, by faith, to ask God to refill us.

. . . how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy spirit to those who ask him!
Luke 11:13

Thank You, Lord, that You have told us, “Be filled with My Spirit.” Give us the knowledge that by obeying that command we can live victoriously, to Your honor.

Thursday, May 12, 2022


 Thankful List

You helped me to obey and cancel the Walmart and amazon orders that I could cancel - Thank you that I still got to keep the acne cream, cortisone and feminine products, tea and book (possibly - they haven't arrived yet) - wow so generous

Thank you for helping me to breakdown the boxes for FIJI and the soda

Thank you that the tech is working on the A/C for EB and ML

Thank you for waking me up last night and speaking to me about returning all of it - repenting of worshipping the things of this world

Thank you that you want me to work on the bank acct so I can be generous and gift it to others

Thank you that you want me to be still and listen for what you want

Thank you for speaking to me so clearing through Psalm 34, Psalm 50 and Ezekiel 5-8 while I took a walk this morning and convicting me of greed, bargains, and showing me that this is discipline bc you love me

Thank you that I can talk to you anytime

Thank you that you love me

Thank you for the difficulty with Karmel

Thank you for helping me to obey you

Thank you for pointing out my heart problem

Monday, May 9, 2022


 Thank you for the opp to grow in trusting you as my Bread

Thank you for fasting and showing me my weakness and my need for you

Thank you that you are the Sustainer of life and you are merciful

Thank you that you don't count my sins against me when I repent

Thank you for helping me overcome disconnected thoughts

Thank you for speaking Ps 46:3 to me

thank you for giving me courage to do a guitar prayer slot and change up the times

THank you for adventure with changing things up

Thank you for your faithfulness in provision

Thank you for giving me a bedtime - 10:30

Thank you for getting to talk with Cyndi

Thank you for the beautiful weather

Thank you for helping me to trust you even when I don't have all the answers

thank you for helping me to do anonymous service and trusting that you see me

Thank you for your love that it's more precious than silver or gold

thank you for reminding me of truth through the wise woman book

Thank you for reminding me that you are behind all of this - not Rosie/Brandie

Thank you for the difficulties in my mind and body that lead me to dependence on you

Thank you that I find peace in accepting your will

Thank you for loneliness so I can relate to other lonely people and have compassion

Thank you for my mom and for how much you care about her

Thank you for the Abigail and how much you love each one of them

Thank you for my friendships and how each one of them show me a different aspect of you

Thank you for the trials that show me my need for you

Thank you for helping me to step out in love

Friday, May 6, 2022


 Thanks for the unchanging things - WHO GOD IS and what HE HAS DONE

Thanking him for challenges, difficulties

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Thank you 5-5-22

 Thank you Lord for time with you this morning - getting to pray for Rosie and Vicki / Reading Hebrews 6 and giving you my worries and thanks

Thank you that you are deeper than the top parts of plants - you are the roots

Thank you for Psalm 136 - Your love endures forever

Thank you for getting to play guitar and worship purely - Your Love Oh Lord (3rd day)

Thank you for getting to walk and pray / reading Philemon on how the Lord changed Onesimus

Thank you for giving me contentment at my job

Thank you for helping me to respond in love to request

Thank you for funny VMs and Thank you for worship music

Thank you for breakfast smoothies that taste awesome and that the plant is alive

Thank you for time with the McNeeleys last night, for dinner, fun and fellowship and getting to open up

Thank you for how Joy made her bed without someone helping her - she CAN do it - she just didn't want to

Thank you that you ...

"give thanks for unchanging things"

Thank you that you answered me this morning and you are faithful to meet me when I seek you

Thank you that my body is fading away and reminding me of the new body I will receive

thank you for the challenges in my mind that cause me to see my constant need for you

thank you for brothers who love me and who are following you

thank you for the love you give me for others

thank you for your discipline bc it means that you love me

Thank you for trusting me to share your gospel and love with others

thank you for answering my prayer with my family get together

Thank you for sharing with me the truth that I need to let go of MP and the desire for the type of love you haven't given me. Thank you for the message from Corrie about surrender and for another channel for that love to flow. Thank you for the love you have given me for so many brothers and sisters - the kind of love that will last forever! Thank you that I never have to be alone - that you are with me forever and you will never leave me. Thank you for your kindness to provide for my needs. Thank you for the hot water and the microwave and for the coat rack and the microwave outlet. Thank you for your love and generosity towards me. Thank you for providing for my bills. Thank you for books to listen to on my drive to work and good things to fill up my mind with. Thank you for the 1 Peter class and for HW to do. Thank you for your love and mercy. Thank you for showing me how I need you. 

Top 10 Thankful List

Thank you for the Love you have shown me as my Father

Thank you for filling me with your Holy Spirit

Thank you for the blood Jesus that cleanses me from sin and forgives me and brings me into right relationship with you.

Thank you for giving me the promise of being part of the Bride of Christ

Thank you for eternity with you and getting the privilege of knowing you as precious

Thank you for new bodies and no more crying, death or pain

Thank you for working all things together for your glory my good

Thank you that you don't waste anything - You redeem

Thank you that you finish what you start and you are faithful

Thank you for putting your love inside of me and being my Shepherd