Thursday, May 26, 2022

Thankful 5-26-22

 Thank you Lord for the peace in my heart - for these boundaries that are good for me

THank you for helping me give up the schedule and ordering the paper one and directing me which one to purchase

thank you for Cyndi being willing to cover me for the photo class

thank you for the yummy shake for bfast and the hotdog for lunch

thank you for teaching me the big picture - things that will last - and other things will fade away

Thank you for telling me that I don't need to be someone else

Thank you for meeting with me this morning and speaking comfort to me and helping me in 1 Peter (craving pure spiritual milk to grow up in salvation) and in Ephesians 4 (maturity- each part does it's work and the Lord is the head)

Lord thank you for reminding me that this is about learning to love my sisters at the Abigail - godly sorrow to change and be humble, thankful and loving (in prayer, thoughts, affections towards them like in 2 Cor of the believers towards Paul)...... not worldly sorrow to get stuck in how bad we are and self pity about the consequences and restitution 

Thank you for helping me to go through my clothes yesterday and for helping me get rid of some of them

Thank you for helping me submit to you with schedule/plans and calendar

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