Monday, January 25, 2016

Processing 1-25-16

I am not going to let you get by with your bitterness anymore. You're going to have to learn to deal with it.
But how?
Like Ahna was describing on Sunday.
I am bitter at Katie for the weird rebuke, it makes me feel like someone is following me critiquing my every move.I feel cornered. I know that I need to take this to you and see what you have in mind for it, because I feel really hurt and frustrated. I don't like it. What do you think about it Jesus? Is it a true word? Growing in consideration in the present? Jesus I need your help with this. Lord please soften my heart and my pride. I'm so angry at her. I need your help to take this to you and let you change me. Lord I can't change this in myself, but you can make me considerate. Abba Please help me.
I am pissed off. Why bc I care what Katie thinks of me and that is not something I can change. I feel out of control and helpless and cornered. Lord I can't change myself anyway. I repent for my lack of consideration for my sisters. Pleasechange me to help me not to be a people pleaser who is fearful but one who is patient and cares. Abba give me a heart to want and desire to please you. Change my heart of stone to a heart of flesh. Forgive my offense against Shy on Dgroup morn I trust you that she wasn't trying to hurt me and I believe what we brought up was very good. Please soothe my ruffled emotions. Help me to give up trying to "prove" anything. Give me your heart to care for my brothers and sisters. Lord I need your kindness and humility. Please fill me with it. Give me your love for my coworkers.

Lord I forgive Justin for being late on Sunday for pictures and for wanting to use their own car and changing the plan. I trust you to help me to assume the best rather than being offended. Lord I give you my bitterness and quick offense towards him. Please help me choose to trust and give him slack and be patient. I ask that you would help me to bear with him and forgive him like you have
forgiven me.  Abba help me to value what you value. I want to value the men  you love and help them to glorify you. Raise my gaze higher. Help me to stop circling around how it affects me. It's for YOU. It's for YOUR kingdom.

I want sisters who will call me out and live out being considerate. Katie was gentle in the way she did it and she wasn't just trying to be critical. That's not like her. Lord please help me to believe the best and to not close off my heart to her, but to accept her true word and trust you to work it out in me in your timing. Crush my pride Abba. Crush my pride and my desire to  be justified and to be right and
to be in charge. Abba give me grace to not act like a 2 year old when I don't get my way. Abba help me to grow up. To set my mind on the things that matter. Abba renew my vision to be on your church and your people. Help me to have my eyes fixed on you.

Lord I forgive Katie, for anyway she wasn't clear or didn't bring this word correctly. Lord I forgive Justin for being late and for changing the plan of the car. I ask that you would forgive Katie and Justin and not remember their sin and you would forgive me for my offense, and defensiveness. Help me not to think more highly than I ought of myself. You are my King

Lord Also I forgive Shauna for the miscomm about our prayer schedule awhile ago. and I forgive Allie for her impatience with driving. Lord I forgive Tallie for the behavior at the fair. Lord I forgive lindsay for not bringing the car back. Lord I forgive Alex for his moodiness.. you love that man. Lord forgive me for my fantasizing thoughts about marriage. Lord forgive me for my anxiety about doing the lies book with Becca and working on it today. Forgive me for worrying about when to do the Elijah pics. Help me Abba, give me your strength and help me to see them the way you do Daddy.

Rescue me from being a slave to my emotions. Help me to be free!

You are my dearest friend and the Saviour of the universe. I believe you can rescue me! I believe you! I Believe you! I BELIEVE YOU!!!
Thank you for setting me free.

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