Thursday, June 30, 2022

6-30-22 Hard stuff

 Lord I feel stuck in my emotions - my back hurts and I keep thinking of all the way that Vicki, Brenna I have accused them of rejecting me. Lord I have hated them. That is not how you responded to rejection. You responded in love. In forgiveness. Lord I want to reject those who reject me. I want to hurt those who hurt me or that I perceive have hurt or offended me. Lord I am angry and afraid. Will you speak to me? Will you please show me what to do? I feel so trapped and miserable. I want out of this cage of bitterness. 

"Forgive your dad"

Lord I forgive my dad for not being an example of an authority that protects and instead being selfish and abandoning me. Lord I forgive him for not being there for me or for my mom. I forgive him for the ways he abused me mentally, emotionally and even if he physically did and I don't remember. Lord I forgive him for the fear and anger and control and the ways he manipulated me with money. Lord I trust you with my heart - please heal it where I am broken and desperate for a father's love and care. Lord I'm sorry for running to these other things for satisfaction and peace. Groceries, friends, guys, pride, accomplishment, looks - all of these things won't satisfy. Lord I forgive him freely and totally - cancel his debt against me Lord I forgive him TOTALLY. I give you the hurt I feel by his absence - I ask that you would use these things that the enemy meant for evil and turn them around and use them for good. Lord I give you the pain of my loneliness, the rejection, the desire for love and affection, my broken heart. Lord I release him from my expectations of being a good dad - he is a broken man who needs you. Please give me your compassion for him and to see him through your eyes. Lord I trust you. I release him to you - he is not mine - he is yours. Please fill that void in me that I wanted him to fill. Lord he has fallen short - he is just a man. I'm sorry for the ways I have idolized him and wanted him to be everything and wanted to be like him. Lord you are my real dad - help me to want you to be my everything and to be like you. Lord I'm sorry for being unmerciful, bitter and unkind towards him. Soften my heart. Please give me a heart that longs to love. Fill me up with your desires and the way you view things. Help me to let him go into your loving hands. Lord I give up control - I ask that you would send laborers to him - convict him - make his sin like dust in his mouth - dissatisfy him with the world and deliver him from the evil one. Lord I surrender - take over. Take the wheel with my dad and with my life. I forgive him TOTALLY. All of it - anything he has done - I give it to you - I forgive him - he is free of debt to me. Lord will you fill me up with your love?

"one step at a time"

"I need to empty you so I can fill you"

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