Monday, June 13, 2022

Deliberately rememeber

 When I was praying and asking God how to pray for the Abigail this morning you brought the phrase "BIND US TOGETHER IN LOVE" and the song by Laura Hackett "Love makes us strong"

love-makes-us-strong-laura-hackett-park.pdf (


Feedback from a client about bday card - showed me that people can be offended if not loved in the way they want it. Even though a person (Amanda) is sincerely trying to go above and beyond. It can feel defeating and like - why even try? - when someone is so easily offended. I can be like this with the Abigail when they try sincerely to love me and I am offended by things bc it isn't done the way I want. It's not that they aren't loving me it's that I'm not getting it to the way I want it and I'm OFFENDED because I am proud and conceited and making it all about me. Just like this client is offended that we sent them a bday card and it wasn't at the right address/not signed by an individual signature. It can seem ridiculous on the other end and make you feel like giving up. This is how I have treated my house. 

From: Sweetman Properties Group <>
Sent: Thursday, June 9, 2022 7:39 PM
To: Steve King <>
Subject: birthday card


A very funny birthday card came to our house.

The card was to Patrick, would you believe nobody signed it.?

If that went to a different client they might have been upset about that.

Of course Patrick's in Argentina so we just told him you all wished him a happy b'day.

Just a note to help all businesses grow.



Paul Sweetman

Sweetman properties Group llc

(513) 383-1713 

From Amanda: Thanks for the feedback! I usually google a message and sign it from the Wealthquest team.  (I’m sure you’ve seen) Maybe your right. They don’t like “from your team at Wealthquest”?


June 13

Sincerity is not guidance. Sincerity may say, “I am sure this plane goes to New York.” You believe this sincerely, but the plane will go to Miami if it is scheduled for Miami, and your sincerity will do nothing to change that!

There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.
Proverbs 14:12    

Father, we often sincerely believe we are doing right, even if we are wrong. Give us wisdom through Your Holy Spirit. Guide us so that we do Your will, not ours.


Lord, I am sincere in this wrong belief but I am wrong. Help me to trust you and trust my sisters. Help me to overcome this accusation and offense and making things about me. Lord I repent! I'm overthinking this. I'm wrong. Praise God I'm wrong! My sisters love me. I am proud and offended. Please help me to be humble Lord. Give me the same mindset as Christ Jesus. 

Colossians 3:14 And over all these virtues put on love, which is the bond of perfect unity. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony.

Thank you that even though you see all my sin - you don't condemn me. You accept me and give me what Jesus did. This sin is not too big for you - you can help me overcome. You can right these relationships. You can purify me. You can help me. You are FAITHFUL. YOU are big enough. Lord Please help me today = this morning to overcome accusations in my thoughts Lord!!

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