Thursday, June 30, 2022



Lord, I've been distracted this morning trying to get what I want - yogurt strainer/crockpot. Lord I'm sorry for trying to do whatever I want and researching recipes for the whey water instead of working. Lord I'm sorry for wasting my employer's time by getting distracted. Will you please forgive me and help me to work in honor and not get on my email / research things / amazon. Help me to be fully present and available. I ask for your grace to pray and for your help with the dinner and dessert on Friday. Please God, I'm sorry for worrying about the meal, dessert, bread, taters, chairs, place to go - please help me to turn this over to you. Lord the most important thing is the fellowship with your Spirit and inviting my friends into this LOVE that you have for them by loving them and being hospitable. It doesn't matter if the meal or anything is perfect you just want my heart. Please Lord I'm sorry for working without you. Please forgive me and help me to trust you with ALL of my heart soul mind and strength today. Lord I give it all to you. I give you all my worries and fears about the future and the time with my mom tonight - I ask for your peace and your help to love her well. Please Lord be present in our time and please help her to be willing to get groceries and please help me to let go and to love her well. Lord I surrender this work day to you - please help me to be present - help me with client scans and welcoming people and with time with my mom and with you tonight. I ask that you would help me to fellowship with your Spirit today and that you would put people on my heart to pray for. Please help me to pray for the elders and to love them Lord. Will you deliver me from overthinking and turning inward and towards selfish ambition - I lay my plans before you - please use me as you want to - Please help me not to cling so tightly to plans I give it up to you Lord please use me, please help me to trust you.  

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