Tuesday, June 7, 2022

He said..


My emotions towards you don't change

My love doesn't change Kristina

I made her too

I take it personally when you down those I make to elevate yourself 


11:30 - manual for living - here is the assignment - let's get to work - many ppl have these NDE's now what do we do with them? The work of love - of shining that divine light on a day to day basis - how would you describe that we do that - Many ways - simple as smiling at someone - We all want to do God's work in great ways - big ways - we all want to be at the Mt top - that is all face and ego - I don't want to be washing dishes I want to be on the mt top - doing something great - but we forget that to get to the mt top first we need to get in the car and drive to the foot of the mt - and then take a step and another step - and that may not be where you are called to be - if we were all at the top of the mountain how would all the rest of the world work? If you do the ordinary things and do them in the valley - and you do them with LOVE.. you bring the mountain top HERE. I believe we can each reflect that love no matter where we are no matter what we are doing in every situation. Actually have compassion - get up and help them - it can be so simple - not just a feeling or sentiment. How will you respond to it? Jesus looked like BOTTOMLESS KINDNESS & COMPASSION. 

We are loved beyond our wildest comprehension and if we could truly accept that - and we can't accept it bc of ourselves not bc of God - it's fully offered everyday in everyway and we are the who say - no you could never love me bc of _________ fill in the blank. But if we could actually accept how loved we are - the world would be a very different place. If we could just accept the understanding of grace. We all are a product of our past - we all miss the mark and that's the way it is - UNDERSTANDING - when you understand what brings a person to a moment in time when they hurt someone else, miss the mark - then it's grace - replaces your sense of hurt or anger - it just disappeared - replaced with kindness, compassion and understanding / acceptance - you're a loved being - yeah okay you blew it and that's okay. God knows me and at every given moment he understands - not anger but tenderness - let me help you try again.  Story - neighbor boy molesting her - when I really understood him - I felt nothing but compassion - it was like that with every circumstance - even when I hurt someone - there was no regret - I felt compassion - where God's love was present there was no room for destructive emotion - it just doesn't exist - we are 100% percent healed. Those relationships are entirely reconciled with understanding

Given up the need to always know the answer to the question WHY - I don't need to know the answer - beauty comes from all things - I know that God's promises are true - I don't need to know

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