Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Jesus help me


Jesus, I ask for your help today, please deliver me from the temptation to accuse and be bitter against my family/friends. I ask for your grace and help to believe that LOVE ALWAYS TRUSTS. Lord I repent for trusting my emotions and thoughts over your Word. I repent for holding offense against others Lord I forgive her for not responding, I forgive them for not keeping their word, I forgive her for her mistake and taking it, I forgive her for turning around and not coming, I repent for believing accusations that they are ignoring me on purpose to hurt me. The truth is if they are disassociating with me it is for my repentance and so I feel ashamed of my sin so I can come back in repentance - not rejection. REDIRECTION IS NOT REJECTION. Lord I ask for your mercy on my mind. Please help me to trust you and to trust my sisters. Thank you that you discipline is love. Thank you that you want to make me like you. Lord thank you for this difficulty in my mind that gives me an opp to turn to you in dependence.  Lord help me to fight these lies - please help me to HUMBLE MYSELF. Please deliver me. 

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