Thursday, June 30, 2022

Open the Eyes

 What is the fruit of what you are doing?

The fruit of dwelling on past wrongs? 

No, the fruit of the actions towards your sisters.

Self preserving, hiding, anger, pride, self pity, deception, living in the dark, misery, alone

Do you think this is what I want for you?

No, but how do I get out of it?

Learning to love - love no matter how you are treated or you are perceiving. It's always the answer. It hurts to give but it's never worthless in my sight. I see every action. I want you to see others the way I see them. It's the "SAFE" way out you are seeking. To fully dive in.

Lord I see I can't fight rejection with rejection and hate with hate. Lord will you please help me to love and to forgive those who offend me. Will you please help me to be humble and not conceited so I don't get offended so easily. Will you help me to love and think about you and others more than how things are affecting me? Will you please help me to forget myself - the FREEDOM to not have to tend my own ego and to really love others? Lord I want to be able to truly love - will you deliver me and help me to do this?

"pray for your mom"

Lord please have mercy on my mom - Show her the worth you have placed on her bc of Jesus' blood and help her to be humble to receive your help and care. Please deliver her from the evil one. Please help her to receive your love and help. Please fill her with faith to ask you for help and deliver her from the evil one. Please help her to trust you with everything and help her to be okay with being wrong. Lord please bless her today - help her to receive your love for her and your care. Lord deliver her from this oppression and fear and help her to cling to you and your love. Please fill her up with your HOLY SPIRIT. Help her Lord, help her! 

"It pleases me when you pray for your friends" "I made you to be someone who prays" "That is what you should be known for" "I want you to be a woman of prayer and thanksgiving" I want you to change your attitude towards your sisters. The only way to do that is to pray for them. I give you your thoughts that way and not the other way around. Your thoughts about things only matter if they are true. I want to open up my thoughts to you, Kristina"

20 Out in the open wisdom calls aloud,
    she raises her voice in the public square;
21 on top of the wall she cries out,
    at the city gate she makes her speech:

22 “How long will you who are simple love your simple ways?
    How long will mockers delight in mockery
    and fools hate knowledge?
23 Repent at my rebuke!
    Then I will pour out my thoughts to you,
    I will make known to you my teachings.

Lord I want to think like you do about people rather than how I think. My mind is a scary place full of judgement, unmerciful, fear and murder. Cleanse me Lord! Help me to think with a PURE mind and a PURE heart. 

The pure in heart are centered on something singular, that is God. How Can We See God? Jesus promised that individuals who are pure in their commitment to God will see him. This uncovers a surprising thought regarding God’s kingdom. Most Jews would have learned, at an early age, that no one can see God and live; for he is holy. However, Jesus says that the individuals who get into heaven will see God.

Matt 5:8

God blesses those whose hearts are pure, for they will see God.

Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
Open the eyes of my heart
I want to see You
I want to see You

To see you high and lifted up

Shining in the light of Your glory

Pour out Your power and love

As we sing holy, holy, holy

Holy, holy, holy

Holy, holy, holy
You are Holy, holy, holy
Holy, holy, holy (I want to see You)
You are holy, Lord
Holy, holy, holy
Holy, holy, holy
Holy, holy, holy (I want to see You)

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