Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Thank you

 Thank you Lord for giving me grace to overcome accusation and bringing peace to my mind

Thank you for showing me my offense towards you and others and helping me to repent by humbling myself

Thank you for your help and for helping me

Lord please turn my thoughts into prayers for my friends and for thankful praise to you for what you want to do in their lives

Lord help me

excerpt from Imagine Heaven Devo book - #11

Okay, in this very moment, am I following the plant that God would have for me? Because God's plans for us are always greater than we can imagine...We need to be about God's business every moment of every day.  - If you accept that there is life after death - it changes the way you see today. Because all of a sudden - every day matters - every moment matters - every choice - every decision - it matters. We think about our lifetime as so long but in reality it's a blink of time. And the reality is that we are here for a reason. We are here to grow and change and help others do the same. And we don't have much time to do it. There is no doubt that the ONLY THINK that truly matters is loving God and being a window through which God's light can shine through this world and loving each other. 

GOD has us uniquely here for a purpose - and love is what it is about, no matter what else we accomplish. and Jesus says in Matt 22 that the two most important commandments Love GOD and LOVE people - sum up the rest. Loving GOD and letting his love shine through us to love others is central to our purpose.

As you seek and respond to God's guidance in the decisions you make, you align yourself to the plan he has for your life. God cares about who he created you to become. It brings him delight when he sees you living out your full potential and participating in his work in the world. As Paul wrote in Ephesians 2:10 ' " He creates each of us by Christ Jesus to join him in the work he does, the good work he has gotten ready for us to do, work we had better be doing. 

Today be aware of the people you pass and the situations God puts before you. You'll see how he will lead you into meaningful and loving interaction with them, participating in his grand purpose and plan to make a difference in the world through you.

Lord help me each day to fulfill what you have placed me on earth to do. May my life be characterized by love for you and love for others wherever I live and through whatever I do. 

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