Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Joy and Prayer

 Joy and Prayer

Lord help me to communicate with you - To live the way of life that involves constantly open communication with you - Help me to live a life of prayer - constantly offering silent prayers with every breath I take - always listening for your leading.

I believe you want me to wipe my schedule and spend time with you - Lord I want to experience and know you more and the real reality of who  you are!!! Please help me. I repent of believing that spending time with you makes me a loser to not have plans. Lord change my perspective completely. Give me your heart for you and for the church and for the world - Help me to not waste this time but to use it to soak in you and spend hours with you and to love you and to be met by you. Lord help me - help me help me. 

What do you want me to think about this time? Instead of being a loser - what is your perspective? Help me to listen and hear your voice.

"I want to spend every second with you Kristina - you are worth my time. I see you not as the world sees you - for what you can offer but I see what you ARE. I love YOU, my daughter - my devoted one - my precious gem. I want you to spend time with me to get to know ME - to know my many and precious thoughts about you and to be filled with my presence. When you get to know ME the ministry will come. I want to fill you with Me."

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